Following the tragic murder or 15-year-old Elianne Andam, Mayor Sadiq Khan has taken another step in the fight against knife crime by offering all 500 secondary schools in London handheld metal detectors and other resources to screen pupils for weapons. The initiative is aimed at ensuring that students and staff feel safe and secure while on school premises.

The Mayor’s Office has said that the metal detectors will be provided to schools free of charge and will be accompanied by training for staff on how to use them effectively. Sadiq Khan has also pledged to provide additional support to schools in the form of extra funding and resources to help them tackle knife crime.

Knife crime has been a growing problem in London in recent years, with a significant increase in the number of incidents involving young people. The Mayor has been working closely with the police and other agencies to tackle the issue, and this latest initiative is just one of the many measures being taken to address the problem.

Mr Khan has urged schools across the city to take advantage of the resources being provided and to work with their local police and communities to ensure that young people are kept safe from harm. The initiative has been widely welcomed by parents and teachers alike, who see it as a positive step forward in the fight against knife crime.

As a leading provider of X-ray scanners and metal detection equipment, Todd Research have pledged their support to the London Mayor’s efforts to tackle the growing issue of knife crime in schools. Partnered with Garrett Metal Detectors, Todd Research have been providing state-of-the-art detection equipment to schools across the UK for many years. As well as detection equipment, Todd Research provide full certificated user training to compliment these products.

This case study by Riverside School is just one example of how a school can success fully implement a new technology to improve its operations. Riverside School wanted to improve its security measures by installing technology to keep mobile phones out of classrooms. However, the school faced numerous obstacles in terms of funding, installation, and training. Despite these challenges, Todd Research and Riverside School were able to work together to successfully implement the TR360PRO+ search pole, which have greatly improved the school’s security. This case study is a great example of how collaboration and determination can overcome even the most difficult obstacles.